Today we made our last visit to Holy Cross. We began by visiting the Br. Andre dispensary, a medical clinic on the Holy Cross grounds. We had a tour of the dispensary, but there were patients waiting for the nurses and physician assistants to see them.
Then we had the ribbon cutting and groundbreaking for the new maternity ward. Jill has been instrumental in getting this project going and I'm sure it was extra special to be the ribbon cutter with her son Justin also present. Instead of a symbolic shovel for the groundbreaking, Jill went into the front loader and scooped up the dirt. We were all a tad wary of Jill being behind a powerful machine, but it all went fine.
Monsignor, Jill, and Justin ready to break ground. |
Next we celebrated our 5th and last mass with the people of Holy Cross. Although school was closed, some members of the children's choir still made it and graced us with their singing and dancing. They are truly a sight to be seen. One little girl in particular just stole our hearts. She's one of the shortest, but has an amazing personality that shines through her dancing and singing.
Leading the singers. |
Lunch was at Holy Cross while we heard from Jackie, a woman who told us more about the political climate in Dandora and what outside actions are being done to help the area. Several of us broke up into small focus groups to further pinpoint what help is needed in particular areas. Along with Sally and Michelle, I spoke with other teachers and was given a lot of information about St. James, its mission, and what they would like for the future.
Irene, Sr Miriam, Natalie. |
Now came the sad part. We all had to say goodbye to some of the most amazing people we've ever met. I don't think any of us newcomers had any idea how quickly we would become friends and how deeply our love and affection for these people would be. Except for the few who have been to Dandora before, none of us had met any Holy Cross individuals, yet we felt like old friends. Many emails were exchanged and I know some life-long friendships have been made. The children's choir remained and they loved taking our phones and taking pictures of us. It was truly delightful to spend a few extra minutes with them. While I am excited for the safari in a couple days, I am truly saddened not to spent more time with the people of Holy Cross.
-- Gabriela Gualano